Member of 501st, Rebel Legion or Alpha Base?

If you would like access to the Garrison Titan discussion forums, please read the topics in this forum.
Garrison Titan
Garrison Titan
Posts: 1240
Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:44 pm
Garrison / Base: Garrison Titan
TK Number: TK-4862
Location: Mill Creek

Member of 501st, Rebel Legion or Alpha Base?

Post by Vultren »

If you are an official member of 501st, Rebel Legion or Alpha Base and you would like access to our invitational guests' board, please register as a normal member. You cannot register for Garrison Titan invitational events without rostering on our boards.

If members from those clubs would like to extend invitations to events to others within their parent club, it should be passed through the Garrison Titan Commanding Officer or Executive Officer. Those members can petition for membership here on the boards and I will set their permissions for such members so they can view private boards.

If other Star Wars affiliated clubs are interested in participating in Garrison Titan open invite events, they should contact the commanding officer for approval.

Once you register and your account is approved by an admin (usual wait is within 48 hours), email so we can set your approved rank and give you access to the specified boards.

Thank you.