Washington state’s official garrison of the 501st Legion: the world’s definitive Star Wars costuming organization whose members are dedicated to creating and wearing movie-accurate costumes of the Galactic Empire and villains of the Star Wars Universe. When you think of Stormtroopers, Jedi, or even Darth Vader at a hospital or sporting event, that’s us! We partner and cooperate closely with Lucasfilm Ltd. and represent the finest in Star Wars costuming around the globe.
As members, we are committed to the community and offer support at charity events, fundraisers and social functions by appearing in movie-accurate costumes. While we do not charge fees to make an appearance, we encourage those requesting us to appear at an event to make a donation to charity. If you have come here to request screen accurate Star Wars characters at an upcoming event, or to learn more about costuming and joining the 501st, you’re in the right place.

A Few Words from our CO:
Welcome to Garrison Titan!
We are the Washington chapter of the 501st Legion, a worldwide organization of Star Wars fans with over 14,000 members that promote our passion by appearing in costume for charity.
Garrison Titan volunteers are made up of a diverse group of people from across Washington. You may have seen us at various sporting events, local conventions, parades, Star Wars movie openings or charity events. Our members come from many walks of life but we all enjoy sharing our passion for Star Wars through appearing as our favorite characters from the films, and building life size replicas for everyone’s enjoyment. I’m older so remember seeing the original Star Wars in the theaters; later that week I asked my dad (a professional tailor) if he would make a holster for a toy gun I had already cut up to look like a Stormtrooper blaster…anyway a long, long time ago in a city far, far away. I encourage anyone with a passion for Star Wars to reach out to us through the website, come out to one of our monthly Meet & Greets (when Covid has been beat), or come talk to us at any local events.
Thank You.
(P.S. They told me to look serious for the photo!)
GCO Garrison Titan